Message for the day.
Let’s welcome the New Moon in Gemini with Gratitude!
To meet the new opportunities and successful trainings in our lives. Today you can do a New Moon Welcome Ritual and write your wishes. For this you will need a candle, a few bay leaves, a paper and a pen and most of all your Intention. The stronger and more motivated, the more results. Light the candle, burn the bay leaf in a separate fireproof container, this is a powerfull energy purification, and start with the desires. The energy that you can summon and wish to come to you – Financial resources, new opportunities and opportunities for growth. New training to bring new knowledge and perspectives. A new job in which to master more skills and become professionals. New purchases and new love relationships. Physical beauty and charm. New open roads related to any area in which you will need money.
Write your wishes on a piece of paper, be diligent and visualize as you write. Your wishes can be a dozen. Don’t forget to thank the universe. Don’t wish for other people! Let the candle burn on its own and hide the wish list in your personal belongings. I advise you to have a personal magic box in which to store your wishes. In it you can put a little flower of lavender and bay leaf, they will bring you luck and positive energy. Bay leaf is considered a powerful amulet for cleansing the home and attracting prosperity. Let a new cycle of new chances and fulfilled wishes come with the New Moon!
Regards, Freya