Message for the day.
When changes happen, I stand on my feet, nothing can scare me, there is freedom in the crisis. Free from unfortunate fate, from misfortunes, troubles. I make decisions quickly, new doors open for me. I keep everything old, I count on it to keep me where I have my place, where I am important. What happened changes everyone, and purifies the air, the earth. Circumstances become different, give new tasks. I am adapted, ready, I am waiting for my consequences, I know the universe protects me, I am calm, I will be happy. When something goes away, it is right, everything changes, I accept it with will, mind and strength. I believe in the plan from Above and trust in the signs and the destiny, I contribute with personal actions, I achieve my retribution. Coincidences do not exist, I clearly see it and I know, I deserved it, I was saved from trouble and evil doom.
Regards, Freya