Message for the day.
The day will be magical. The higher powers will be with us and watch us move towards our dreams and our spiritual development. We will be under a Happy Star, and it will be very important what plans we make for our future. The great Shamanic Rune Eyvaz will travel from our world to others and will carry information through the Sacred Yggdrasil Tree. The thin plane of the world today will be very sensitive and thin, people endowed with extrasensory perceptions can receive insight, guidance. Develop your talents, indulge in the study of your inner world, be connected with the spiritual. If you can feel the power of the forces that stand around us, you will be very grateful! You can feel or find a new path for yourself . Be focused on your relationships. Those of you who meet a partner today, he is sent by the Higher Powers, this is your destiny. You need a plan and action, let your head be in the sky, but your feet on the ground!
Regards, Freya